What are the Requirements to Build a Website?

Today, with the internet becoming a part and indispensable part of our lives, many people or organizations want to open their own website. In addition to representing the digital presence of many people or brands, the website also provides a platform to promote their own brands all over the world, interact with customers and make online sales.

What are the things you need to do to set up a website?

Building a website requires long-term and time-consuming work. When we complete the website, it requires regular work to get us to the first place and to attract the attention of the users.

Step 1: Setting Goals and Making a Plan

The first step is to determine the purpose of the website we want to build and plan it. Plan clearly for what purpose you want to make a website and write it down on a paper or document. For example, a personal blog site? Or is it an e-commerce site? Whatever you want to do, plan accordingly. Set your target audience, content strategy and budget accordingly to your target. Adjust your database and EER diagram according to the project you want to do.

Step 2: Website Design

Website design represents the user experience and the visible face of the website. It is important to set up a mobile-friendly website for a user-oriented and impressive design. Especially as of 2023, it is known that the average number of users visiting websites is 66.7% of mobile users in Europe, while 33.3% of users accessing their computers from their computers. Due to the large number of mobile users, mobile compatibility has become inevitable on websites, but this situation, which is ignored by many, is the lack of attention to the design of your site.

Fast loading of websites, mobile compatibility and search engine optimization are important factors for a successful online presence. If you are having difficulties in the field of design, there are many free mobile-friendly websites and many ready-made sites on Github and similar platforms. You can use ready-made sites for this.

Step 3: Domain Name and Web Hosting

The domain name is the address of your website on the internet. The domain name is important for your website to be recognized and remembered. When looking for a good domain name, it is a positive factor that the name is catchy, easy to say, easy to write, short and fluent. One of the things to consider when choosing your domain name is that the domain name you bought may have been taken before, if it has been taken before, is it blacklisted by google? You can search and find websites that check for this.

Step 4: Creating Content

It's important to understand users' needs in order to consider what content to include on your site. The content of your website may not be enough to attract users to your website. You can add blog posts to attract more users and users. In this way, you can make your website the center of attention for visitors and you will have more interaction and appeal to more users.

If you have difficulty in producing content, you can use artificial intelligence tools for this. When creating content, it is important that your content is SEO compatible. We recommend that you research and write SEO spelling rules for text such as repetitive words, in-article tags, titles, blog length, number of characters, and text size. If you follow these rules, you can quickly move your website higher in google.

What are the Mistakes Made While Creating Content?

Not Identifying the Target Audience: It is important to identify your target audience while creating the content. Understanding who you are targeting and their needs, understanding their interests, language and terms, and writing accordingly will make your content more effective.

Not Planning Content: Starting directly without planning the content can result in messy and inconsistent content. This reduces the interaction of the visitors on the site of the text you write. You may have written a boring and long text, in which case your visitors may leave your site without reading your article. You should write by creating a content plan, determining the main headings, sub-headings and subject flow, and you should write your article according to the spelling rules according to a certain plan.

Deviating from Unrelated Topics: Deviating from the main topic your content should focus on makes the reader lose interest and devalues the content. Take care to keep your content in line with the interests of your target audience.

Incorrect Language and Spelling: You should pay attention to the language and spelling rules while writing your content. Conveying your writing appropriately and accurately to the reader, as well as avoiding typos, ensures that your content is professional and reliable. You can use artificial intelligence tools for this.

Insufficient or Poor Quality of Images: Adding images to your content can make it more visually interesting and understandable. However, using poor or low-quality images can reduce the value of the content. It is important for readers to be as fast as possible when adding images to your page. If you add quality and low-size images as much as possible, your page depth will be supported by images, and at the same time, you can make your website faster by taking up less space with a lower size. You can use webp format for high quality and low size images.

Ignoring SEO Principles: Ignoring SEO (Search Engine Optimization) principles while creating content significantly reduces your content's visibility in search engines. While writing your website and adding content, if you want your website to be higher, you have to follow the SEO rules. These rules appeal to both a better appearance of your website and richer content for visitors. It's important to use keywords naturally, make optimal use of meta tags, and structure titles appropriately.

Being Too Long or Too Short: If your content is too short or too long to grab the attention of readers, it causes you to lose interest from users. Keeping your content at the right length will be richer for visitors and readability, and you'll get more reads and more engagement at the same time. Try to keep your content relevant, clear, concise and concise.

Poor Quality and Duplicate Content: Poor quality and duplicate content will make your website fall lower in google, but from whichever site and where you have copied content, it will move that website higher and at the same time, you will be spammed by lowering the lower ranks. Avoid duplicate content as much as possible and take care to write original content. Poor quality content is not supported by google, and at the same time, it is not read and attracted by visitors. Having as much quality content and originality as possible on your website will help you achieve success in the long run.

Step 5: SEO Optimization

SEO Optimization is important for your website to rank better in search engines. After completing your website, when you search for your website on google, it may come to the first place even if it does not come at first, but you should not forget that visitors will not call you from your brand or directly with your domain name, that is, in terms of new customer base.

By doing keyword research, you can write and edit the content on your website according to the keywords you are researching. For this, Google Analytics can help you determine what words users search for your website and with which keywords they reach your site.

How Do I Rank My Website?

First of all, it may be difficult for you to rank your website in the first place depending on the area you are in. How many people are doing SEO on their website in your sector and city? or how many people consider these rankings? The answer to these questions will give you the answer to how easy or how difficult you will come out in the first place. If a lot of people in your sector are working on SEO and many people are working in this field, it may even be difficult to come to the first pages in the short term. But in the short term, you can appear in the first place by advertising your website with google ADS. You can find someone authorized for SEO on your website or you can make your website better with Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free SEO tool that Google offers us for free. Using this, you can see the errors on your website and do SEO work yourself.

Step 6: Security

The security of your website is of critical importance both for you and for ensuring that the information of your users who visit your site is protected. By using an SSL certificate on your website, you can ensure data encryption and a secure connection.

In addition, since the SSL certificate provides a more secure environment on Google, Google supports it and can make your website go higher. You should also do regular security updates to make sure your website is up to date and protected against security vulnerabilities.

Step 7: Analysis and Monitoring

It is important that you use analytics and monitoring tools to understand and improve your website performance. Free tools like Google Analytics allow you to track your website visitor count, resources, behavior and more. Also, run speed tests to measure your website speed test and provide users with a faster and better environment. Using this data, you can gain important insights to optimize your website and better understand your goals.

Building a website is a process that requires taking the right steps, and this process takes time. By following the steps mentioned above, you can create a successful website and strengthen your digital presence. In order to be successful in the long run, you should take the time to consider and analyze each step separately and take the right step. Remember, it's important to stay up-to-date and consider your users' feedback when building your website.